Who We Are

About Us

The Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago is a self-governing, inclusive, caring community for those who seek a rational, compassionate philosophy of life.

We focus on the ethical values that bring people together, not on the beliefs that keep people apart.

In the spirit of intellectual, philosophical, and artistic freedom, we come together to explore life, nature, and the universe.

Like traditional religious communities, we celebrate births, conduct wedding ceremonies, and host memorial services.

We provide for the ethical education of our children, based on rational, critical thinking.

“Act so as to elicit the best from others, and thereby from yourself.”    – Felix Adler

Newcomers Welcome!

Curious? The best way to get to know us is to attend a Sunday program or two, or bring your children to our Humanist Kids program. After each program we have a coffee hour (virtual for now) where you can meet and chat with members, other guests, and the featured speaker. It’s just that simple! We really hope you’ll join us for an upcoming talk.

About Humanism

Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism or other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good. See the American Humanist Association page: What is Humanism for an in-depth look at Humanism

Our History

The Society for Ethical Culture of Chicago began in the spring of 1882 when Felix Adler, founder of the Ethical Culture movement in New York, traveled to Chicago and gave a series of six public lectures on the aims and purposes of this new religion.

Click here for a full history of the Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago, written by former EHS member, Dorothy Lockhart.

The Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago is a nonprofit, religious organization and is a chapter of the American Humanist Association.


Steve Julstrom, President
Buzz States, Vice President
Kara Malenfant, Secretary
Phil Zaczek, Treasurer
Sue Hurley
Bobby Jacob
Rajesh Kini

Deb McGarvey
Carrie Ost

Allison Holmes

Glenda Kenyon and Katie Merrell   CelebrantInfo@ethicalhuman.org

Katie Merrell


Our Mission is to create a supportive and inclusive humanist community that inspires all to be their best selves; sustains us throughout life’s milestones, with celebrations, memorials and festivals; respects science, art, and nature; promotes critical thinking and rational ways to solve human problems; and creates opportunities to take action to bring about a better world for all.


Our Vision is to be a strong contributor in a vibrant network of Chicagoland humanist groups, and beyond, actively serving our many communities as advocates for human rights, equity, critical thinking, and other humanist ideals.


We Value the importance of living an ethical, responsible, and joyful life. We promote intellectual, philosophical, and artistic freedom, avoiding dogma and rigid creed. We nurture a sense of wonder about life, nature, and the universe, and are inspired by positive models of human achievement. Shaped by the forces of humanism, democracy, science, and religious reform, we cherish human diversity, and we focus on what we have in common, not on what keeps us apart.

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